Available courses

Welcome to Pre-Calculus 12.  This course is designed to follow the British Columbia curriculum for Pre-Calculus 12.  Much of the course is designed around learning through interaction.  This interaction takes place with both the material and other students.  To be successful, students must be willing to engage with the material, ask questions if problems occur and be willing to share successes.


In Creation, God has made all things in an orderly manner.  Through the knowledge given by God to man, he has been able to discover some of this order and describe it using math.  In Foundations of Math 11 we hope to discover some of this for ourselves and see the beauty in Creation.  The math you learn in school is often a learning process of intermediate steps to what we would consider "useful” math.  This math is meant to prepare the student for a wide variety of occupational fields needing further learning at the university and college level.  Let's work and learn together to obtain our personal goals in our service to God.

Course Outline

1.    Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

2.    Prorperties of Angles and Triangles

3.    Acute Triangle Trigonometry

4.    Oblique Triangle Trigonometry 

5.     Statistical Reasoning

6.     Systems of Linear Inequalites

7.     Quadratic Functions and Equalities

8.     Mathematics of Finance 



English Language Arts 10 is a required graduation diploma examinable course. 

Our English language arts program cultivates the effective use of reading/writing, speaking/listening, and viewing/visually representing so that students learn to clearly understand and communicate ideas and beliefs in serving God and others. 

English 10 also has a particular focus on Canadian literature which integrates well with Socials 10.  The students will study Canadian short stories and poetry as well as thematic units on First Nations and immigration literature.  These units provide students with the opportunity to explore the various faces of Canadian identity and also foster a respect for the Canadian arts.  The students will also study the great British classics:  George Orwell's Animal Farm and Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

Language Arts 9 focuses on the development of literacy through reading/writing, speaking/listening, and viewing/visually representing, so that students are prepared to serve God and others through the use of language.

Literacy will be fostered through the use of oral, written, and mutli-media forms of communication, and will prepare students to think critically, communicate clearly, and learn and work both independently and with others.


Prerequisite:  English 11

In English 12, students will continue to develop their ability to use God's gifts of language and reasoning through the six strands of communication:  speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. The emphasis in English 12 is on academic communication, particularly literary critique, formal and informal essays, language style, and Socratic seminars.  Students will also learn to interpret, analyze, and respond to increasingly complex literature from a Christian perspective.   The literature includes selections from Romantic Literature to Contemporary Literature. Student study a range of literary genres and become proficient in recognizing and analyzing literary terms and elements associated with each genre.

Prerequisite:  English 10

In English 11, students will continue to develop their ability to use God's gifts of language and reasoning through the six strands of communication:  speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. The emphasis in English 11 is on academic communication, particularly literary, persuasive, and reflective essay writing and group discussion.  Students will also learn to interpret, analyze, and respond to increasingly complex literature from a Christian perspective.We begin with a historical focus on Ancient to 17th Century Literature and a thematic focus on war and death.We end with an uplifting story of redemption through the study of Pilgrim's Progress.

God communicates to us through  His Word and message.   In turn we can orally, or through writing, communicate the message of God's word to others.  English 8 develops these skills to prepare students to interact with the world through writing, hearing, comprehending and speaking.

In Biology 12, we have the priveledge of studying the cell and how it functions.  Processes such as DNA replication for cell division, protein synthesis for cell growth, enzymes for cell work and transport of molecules and parts are vital to cellular life.  We relate the structure and function of different cell types to the workings of the human body.  Body systems such as digestive, respiratory, nervous, urinary, circulatory and reproductive are studied in detail.  Both the cell and the human body cry out praise to their Maker by their complexity, function and design.  "For I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Pslam 139:14.  But we also come to realize we are studying the body of a fallen human creature who is subject to disease and death due to sin.

This course is designed to help students appreciate God's power in Creation and Providence.  We begin the course studying the Biblical Creation account and comparing that to the secular view of evolution over millions of years.  We then do an overview of all the different groups of organisms including viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals.  Discovering the ecological relationships between these organisms will be the focus of study.

Science 9 is a continuation or evolvement of Science 8, which is an integrated science course that combines the studies of life science, chemical science, earth science and physical science components throughout the year. In all the varying aspects of our environment and life, we see God's preserving care in a complex, yet orderly creation. We also see the interaction between man and his environment, and through that an interaction between man and God.  Being made aware of this, should lead to a greater reverence and responsibility for life and relationship to God through our everyday activities. 

  1. Chemistry is the study of the molecules of God’s Creation.
  2. Chemistry is the study of the reactions between these molecules.
  3. Chemistry is the study of chemicals useful in technological innovations.

Science 8 is an integrated course that combines the studies of life science, optics/fluids and physical science components thoughout the year.  In all the varying aspects of our environment and life, we see God's preserving care in a complex, yet orderly creation.

Social Studies 10

Prerequisite:  Social Studies 9

In social studies, we examine how God sovereignly controls all events on the earth in order to reveal His glory and expand His kingdom. We reflect critically upon events and issues in order to examine the present, make connections with the past, and consider the future. In Social Studies 10, we study Canadian history from 1812-1914, with a special emphasis on western expansion.This course also includes units on government, economics, and geography of Canada.

  God's dealing with people througout history underlines the focus of Socials 9.  While not always clear, God continues to shape this world for his return.  Through revolutions and then native peoples and North America, Socials 9 explores histor, looking for God's path through the stories. 

Welcome to Social Studies 8! This Socials class begins with a look at the Fall of Ancient Rome and the changes to the world, people, and cultures all over Europe and the Middle East at that time. As we travel through the past, we examine Medieval Europe, Rise of the World Religions, The Crusades, and other civilizations and how they developed and influenced the world we know today.

Our journey will take us back to Europe to the Dark Ages, the Late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and start of modern day Exploration to the New Worlds of the Americas. Throughout, we will consider God's providence in his guiding of world events.

Prerequisite:  Social Studies 10

In Economics 12 students are introduced to microeconomics and macroeconomics from a Biblically based view.The course emphasizes foundational economic reasoning, the role of markets, the role of institutions, the factors of production, economic inequality and poverty, and environmental impact.The course is highly interactive, with an emphasis on group seminars and simulations.It is an approved academic course which can be used to meet university entrance requirements.

Biblical Studies 11 is a study of certain Bible books (Revelation, Isaiah, Hebrews and Hosea) and topics belonging to Bible Doctrine. In Bible Doctrine we will study the following topics: Theism vss Atheism, Reliability of the Bible, Creation vss Evolution, World Religions and the differences between the Reformed Denominations. The course involves teacher presentation, work sheets, short essay papers, discussions, project papers, posters, tests, quizzes and Scripture verse memorization

Biblical Studies 10 is a study of Bible History, Bible Doctrine and Church History.

In Bible History we study the last three chapters of our textbook, which covers most of the book of Acts. In addition to that we will also study some of Paul’s epistles. In Bible Doctrine we study ethics and apply that to life/death issues (Euthanasia, Abortion). In Church History we study the Calvinistic Reformation, the Reformation in Holland and the Puritan piety / 2nd Reformation. The course involves teacher presentation, work sheets, short essay papers, discussions, project papers, posters, tests, quizzes and Scripture verse memorization

Biblical Studies 9 is a study of Bible History, Bible Doctrine and Church History. In Bible History a detailed study of the life of Christ is undertaken. In Bible Doctrine, chapters of the Bible Doctrine text are studied. In Church History we study the Reformation (Luther, Calvin), the Counter Reformation and the Reformation in the Netherlands.  

The course involves teacher presentation, work sheets, short essay papers, discussions, project papers, posters, tests, quizzes and Scripture verse memorization.

Biblical 12 incorporates several Bible doctrine and practical Bible themes. The course includes such learning activities as teacher presentations, group and class discussions, research work, paper writings, worksheets, tests, exams, student reports and presentations, poster designing, reflective writing and Scripture memorization.

Bible 8

Spanish 8 is a locally developed course designed to increase a student's appreciation for, and development of God's gift of language communication in Spanish.  Throughout the course students will broaden their understanding of Spanish culture.