Social Studies 10

Prerequisite:  Social Studies 9

In social studies, we examine how God sovereignly controls all events on the earth in order to reveal His glory and expand His kingdom. We reflect critically upon events and issues in order to examine the present, make connections with the past, and consider the future. In Social Studies 10, we study Canadian history from 1812-1914, with a special emphasis on western expansion.This course also includes units on government, economics, and geography of Canada.

  God's dealing with people througout history underlines the focus of Socials 9.  While not always clear, God continues to shape this world for his return.  Through revolutions and then native peoples and North America, Socials 9 explores histor, looking for God's path through the stories. 

Welcome to Social Studies 8! This Socials class begins with a look at the Fall of Ancient Rome and the changes to the world, people, and cultures all over Europe and the Middle East at that time. As we travel through the past, we examine Medieval Europe, Rise of the World Religions, The Crusades, and other civilizations and how they developed and influenced the world we know today.

Our journey will take us back to Europe to the Dark Ages, the Late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and start of modern day Exploration to the New Worlds of the Americas. Throughout, we will consider God's providence in his guiding of world events.

Prerequisite:  Social Studies 10

In Economics 12 students are introduced to microeconomics and macroeconomics from a Biblically based view.The course emphasizes foundational economic reasoning, the role of markets, the role of institutions, the factors of production, economic inequality and poverty, and environmental impact.The course is highly interactive, with an emphasis on group seminars and simulations.It is an approved academic course which can be used to meet university entrance requirements.